In Logan Township, local level Emergency Management Coordinators are responsible for developing and revising plans to help with the process of emergency response to meet the needs of the citizens of Logan Township.
The required local level Emergency Operations Plan is reviewed annually and approved by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with directives from the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and Pennsylvania Law.
Logan Township Coordinators represent our municipality on the Blair County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and coordinate specialized emergency responses, activate emergency operations centers and assure NIMS compliance.
To get answers to questions about your neighborhood’s Readiness, you can contact:
Logan Township Office of Emergency Management
100 Chief Logan Circle
Altoona, PA 16602
Telephone: 814 949 3359 - Extension 112
Dave Lynch
Coordinator Emergency Management
Karen Hamel
Deputy Coordinator
Emergency Management
Dial 911
NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio
1 6 2 . 4 2 5 MHz
Preparedness Information
Local Coordinators in Logan Township work closely with the Blair County Office of Emergency Management. For questions about county wide Emergency Management topics contact:
Blair County Emergency Management Agency
Dan Boyles - Coordinator
615 4th Street
Altoona, Pa 16601
814 940 5905