Station 18 - United Fire District
Logan Township United Fire Department
In late 2009, the Logan Township United Fire Department joined forces and merged with the Kittanning Trail Volunteer Fire Company. As one single organization, the United Team manages two fire houses, a fleet of 8 Fire and Emergency Response vehicles. In spring of 2010, the updated Fire House will be introduced and house the primary response vehicles and new facilities for firefighters.
Station 18 volunteers provide fire and emergency response to the entire North Westarea of LoganTownshipincluding Juniata, Juniata Gap, Grandview, Homers Gap, Beverly Hillsand WopsyMountain. This is a highly residential district with a significant number of student housing complexes associated withPennStateUniversity –Altoona.
Emergencies are processed through the Blair County 911 Center – always dial 911 in an emergency to get help quickly. The United Department is governed by an 8 member Board of Directors which meets monthly on the first Monday at 7pm.
To become a member, complete and submit the Firefighter Application.
Cody Merrell, District Fire Chief -
Ronald Shoenfelt, Department Fire Chief -
Travis Lunglhofer, Department Deputy Fire Chief -
Jeffrey Blake, President -
Station 18
611 Grandview Road
Altoona, Pa 16601
Phone: 814 943 2668 (e-mail)
24 Hour Non Emergency Phone: 814-940-5910
To become a volunteer or to learn more, go to: WWW.LTFIRE.COM