Edwin J. Frontino, Term Expires 12/2027
E-mail: efrontino@logantownship-pa.gov
Cell Number: 814-329-6520
I am Ed Frontino and it is my privilege to serve as one of Logan Township's five elected Supervisors. I am employed as an account manager for Grainger Industrial Supply, headquartered in Chicago Illinois. I graduated from Clarion University in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology. I am also a graduate of Dale Carnegie training and am certified as a Dale Carnegie training instructor. In my previous employment I completed the yellow belt training in Lean Six Sigma as well as other continuous improvement courses.
As part of the Township team I successfully completed the NIMS 100, 200, 700 and 800 emergency management training.
Previous volunteer service to the Township in a non elected capacity included serving on the original Comprehensive Planning Committee that drafted the first comprehensive plan for the Township. Following that I served on the Fire Consolidation Committee and on the Logan Township Planning Commission.
Currently my duties as Supervisor include service on the MPO for Blair County, the Enterprise Zone Committee and Enterprise Zone Advisory Committee. I am also the alternate on the Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee and serve on the Central Blair Recreation Commission.
One of my favorite quotes that I use to keep things in perspective when dealing with Township business or any important topic comes from C.S. Lewis - “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” I ran for office to serve the residents of Logan Township and to help make our community a better place to live, work and raise our families. I will always strive to accomplish those goals throughout my elected term. Every decision I make I try to take into account the best interests of the residents of Logan Township.